TINCTURE's simple ways to relieve stress
Each year, the first Wednesday of November marks Stress Awareness Day (and the start of Stress Awareness Week) – an initiative set up by Mind charity to spread awareness of the impact of stress and ways to beat it. Today more than ever, stress seems to infiltrate into the lives of almost everyone ranging from a mild niggling to a debilitating issue. However you experience stress, there are many ways to combat the ill effects to ensure that this common problem doesn’t get the better of you.
Cleaning Relieves Stress
When you think of stress-busting, your cleaning routine might not be the first thing that comes to mind but with TINCTURE, it should. The act of cleaning can provide instant stress relief for a multitude of reasons. First up, there’s the art of decluttering the space you’re in and creating a fresh environment as a way to begin clearing space in your mind. The methodical action of sorting and clearing, while cleansing your home or workplace can really help to align your thoughts and priorities. Secondly, the gentle exercise that a good house clean can provide is a fantastic way to get those endorphins pumping – happy hormones in your body which are essential for banishing stress. And finally, when you use chemical free cleaning products, such as the natural all purpose cleaning spray from the TINCTURE range, you can also reap the calming and restorative benefits of aromatherapy thanks to our proprietary blend of heavenly essential oils which creates a non-toxic, spa-like fragrance for all to enjoy.
Here, we’d love to share with you the best ways to turn your cleaning routine into one which can not only refresh your home or workplace, but refresh your mind too. Stress free cleaning could just be your way to relax your body and mind on Stress Awareness Day and beyond…
The Art of Decluttering
Researchers at UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families (CELF) have identified a direct link between the stress hormone cortisol and clutter (or “a high density of household objects” as the study calls it). A further paper from The American Association for Nurse Anaesthetists, suggests that people with messy homes are 77 percent more likely to be overweight or obese due to the negative interior monologue that living in amidst disarray perpetuates. But why is this?
Accumulating ‘stuff’ is a very human habit, albeit an outdated one. Many scientists have theorized that the pull to buy and store things we don’t need or even really want stems from a natural and adaptive instinct run amok. To hoard food, furs and all of those essentials for survival that are simply not essential anymore. As a result, we are still compelled to gather but rather than fulfilling a need, instead we are now left feeling stressed, unable to focus and unsatisfied.
Through de-cluttering, you can discover a life in which you can be your most productive, relaxed and happy self. Here are a few expert tips to get you going:
Try decluttering in 15 minute bursts. By going for it in short stints, rather than an all-day marathon, you can dive in with as much energy as you can muster. Set yourself the task of ditching 15 things in 15 minutes flat and you’ll have clear space appearing (in your room and your mind) in no time at all. Another nifty trick is to hang a tote bag on every door and put things you don’t need or love into them as you potter around. At the end of each week, sort into rubbish, recycle and donate.
Beat Stress with Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy (the practice of using plant materials and aromatic plant essential oils for improving psychological and physical well-being) has been used for many thousands of years across the globe, revered by a vast number of ancient civilisations for the ability to cure and aid in the healing of disease. It’s also used for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes and also, for keeping pests and disease at bay in the house and garden.
One of the things people love most about TINCTURE natural cleaning products is the scent – but unlike your average fragrance which is made up of potentially hundreds of harmful chemicals, ours is created with the finest essential oils. These are a huge part of the efficacy of our products – they don’t just smell great, they actually help to eliminate bacteria exceptionally well. And they provide a much needed hug for the senses if you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress too.
In the TINCTURE chemical free cleaning products, you’ll find stress relieving….

The delightful citrusy scent of Bergamot essential oil uplifts and lightens the spirit, imparting a gentle energy boost and a calm state of mind.
Bergamot is well known for its anti-stress properties that keep you feeling relaxed and refreshed throughout the day. It’s also a powerful natural anti-septic and anti-viral, so it’s a great one to use if you’ve got any illnesses you want clearing up, or simply for keeping germs at bay.
This remarkable essential oil was named for the Princess of Neroli in the 17th century who was known for wearing this precious aromatherapy oil as a vibrant perfume. It’s drawn from the bitter orange and Seville orange plants in Italy and is a bit of a miracle worker for treating stress and anxiety. We love it’s lingering scent, which adds a real depth to the fragrance of our range and your wellbeing.
Eucalyptus oil is featured across the TINCTURE range for its anti-septic, anti-viral and pest repellent properties, but it also makes a wonderful addition to your stress free cleaning routine. Inhaling Eucalyptus oil has been found to lower blood pressure, dramatically reduce anxiety and even decrease pain which we think makes this a must for Stress Awareness Day.